Friday, August 31, 2007

Running is like your Hair

I've decided that running is like your hair. Stick with me now....

Whenever I decide that I can't stand my hair anymore, I make an appointment for a hair cut. We're talking every 2 or 3 months here. And invariably, about a week before the appointment, my hair takes on the sheen and style of a super model. So much so that it makes me second guess the hair cut decision. My hair hasn't tricked me into rescheduling an appointment yet...but I'm sure it hasn't caught me in a weak PMS moment. Yet.

After my disappointing time in last week's Crim, I was feeling thoroughly frustrated with running. I had started a mental list of what new (or old) excercises I could start mixing with my running just to get my enthusiasm back. And then there was yesterday.

The weather was perfect, about 68 - 70F around 7pm last night. I took off for a short 2.5 mile run, and I flew! Ran like hell, didn't want to stop, and even ran up Hell Hill to my driveway! So, I'm back in love again. And it felt GGGGGOOOOOOODDDDDDDDD....


1 comment:

Animal said...

I have the same experience with scheduling hair cuts...funny, I thought I was the only one!

Good to meet you finally a few weeks ago!