Friday, August 31, 2007

Running is like your Hair

I've decided that running is like your hair. Stick with me now....

Whenever I decide that I can't stand my hair anymore, I make an appointment for a hair cut. We're talking every 2 or 3 months here. And invariably, about a week before the appointment, my hair takes on the sheen and style of a super model. So much so that it makes me second guess the hair cut decision. My hair hasn't tricked me into rescheduling an appointment yet...but I'm sure it hasn't caught me in a weak PMS moment. Yet.

After my disappointing time in last week's Crim, I was feeling thoroughly frustrated with running. I had started a mental list of what new (or old) excercises I could start mixing with my running just to get my enthusiasm back. And then there was yesterday.

The weather was perfect, about 68 - 70F around 7pm last night. I took off for a short 2.5 mile run, and I flew! Ran like hell, didn't want to stop, and even ran up Hell Hill to my driveway! So, I'm back in love again. And it felt GGGGGOOOOOOODDDDDDDDD....


Monday, August 27, 2007

Crim there, done that

My good friend T and I ran our first Crim this past Saturday. For those of you not from MI, the Crim is a REALLY big running race in Flint. They have a 10 mile race; a 10K run; 10K walk; 8K run; 8K walk; 5K run; 5K walk; 1 mile run/walk and the Teddy Bear Trot. T and I thought about doing the Teddy Bear Trot, but we forgot our bears at home. Next year, I'm Killing those pre-school snots!

My final time was S-L-O-W. Finished in 40:02, my average mile was 12:58. Here are my list of excuses for this one:

1) 75%+ humidity
2) Aunt Flow
3) Rain in the last 1/2 of my race
4) Haven't trained regularly in a couple of weeks
5) I suck ass at going faster

My time makes me ask myself: Why do I race? This pace is truly a jogger's pace. Why do I bother signing up for these? I think I do this not for the pace or what place I come in. I do it to stay motivated; to stay the course on my running. If I have nothing to "train for"then I'm afraid I will give up. I've already made a concious decision to mix up my workout options for the winter time b/c the Dreadmill will kill my enthusiasm quick if I can't run outside. So I'll try another race in October for sure, and maybe squeeze one last race in before the end of the year. Gotta keep my head up, and keep focused on what is important: keeping up my exercise and working on my overall fitness.

Some observations of my first real "runner's race":

1) I wanted to give the hard core male runners a sandwich. They looked like they could use one or fifty;
2) The hard core female runners look like men;
3) The sweat was a-flyin' due to the humidity;
4) It's hard to drink from a paper cup while you're running;
5) I spit like a mean goose in the last half of the run (good thing I'm looking out for passers on my spit side);
6) Running with a friend makes the time fly by a LOT faster than being by yourself.

I'll keep plugging along at running, even though there will be no medals on my shelf any time soon. My rewards are in my personal progress...I am my own measuring stick.


Monday, August 20, 2007

The people you meet

I was really excited to meet my new blog friends over the weekend. Mr. Gravity and I went to Mike's 10th annual 30th birthday party on Saturday (somehow that makes him 39 and not 40, but I'm not arguing with his math 'cause he's my elder).

It is always nice to meet someone face to face that you've been blogging with here and there. Yes, Animal and Great Lakes Running Gal, I mean you(s). The experience was one that, even though I don't know shit about this person, I felt like we were old friends. It probably helps that Mike and I clicked in that way, and that we all have similiar experiences with college and the like (as scary and wrong as that may be). Mr. G and I had much fun, and we stayed WAY longer than we thought we would (since we knew only the host and hostess before we got there).

Many Labatts and some late night munchie pizza later, we felt like we'd been with these people before (in a good way). Thanks all for the evening...I'm glad we made new friends. I realize that Mr. Gravity's Swedish Chef performance sealed the deal on our future friendship. You all should feel privileged, as he busts that one out very on, bloggers!


Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Here it is, the official third day at my new office. It's funny how we are creatures of habit; how change really unsettles us. I don't think I had trepidation about change prior to my starting, but now that I'm here I constantly remind myself to give it time; to relax and not worry about things running smoothly right away.

It's been 10 years since I've been the new kid, and it feels strange. Like I'm running on a gravel road. I'm trying to watch the road ahead for rocks and ruts, but trying to remember to keep my head up so I can breathe easier. I know that I will learn this stretch of road over time. I will come to welcome certain bumps; certain ruts. I will automatically leap over the rocks that I know are there and have tripped me up before. So I let myself envision how I will feel in 6 weeks; then in 6 months; then in 6 years. And I relax and start to have fun....


Thursday, August 09, 2007

Two More Days of Freedom

I've had, blessedly, this past few days off before I start my new job. It has been interesting to have my days unstructured and Mr. Gravity isn't here either (the poor slob has to slog to work this week as I roll over in bed).

So what does one do with unexpected time off? Errands, lots and lots of errands. And dealing with the afternoon slow drivers. And getting my watch repaired. And grocery shopping next to the mom that appears to be buying 3 children, because they are all stacked inside the cart. Where is the bar code on that? And how do I avoid that aisle? I'm SURE they aren't low fat.

Along with looking forward to a new professional start, I've also confirmed that I've lost 25 pounds since the end of January. I had a doctor's appointment today, so I was weighed out of obligation. I haven't weighed myself since March and have been avoiding doing so (don't want to get numbers obsessed, Mike P). But I am very happy with where my weight loss is at right now. I have confirmation that the hard work of running 3-4 times per week and (mostly) sticking to my diet really works. I'm not sure what weight I want to hit, so I'm planning on concentrating on my fitness schedule and not eating a lot of crap. Wherever that takes me, I'll go there.

Mr. Gravity and I had a quick trip to Nova Scotia over the weekend to visit some very dear friends. The area is BEAUTIFUL, I highly recommend visiting and it would probably be even more beautiful in late September. Of course, it helps to have good company, of which we had in abundance. It was great to visit old friends, make new ones (M & J have a 6 month old boy) and be there for milestones (C's first taste of food that wasn't milk). Thanks for the hospitality guys!

That's all for now, I'll update about the new job soon...
