Friday, April 06, 2007

What else to do on a day like today

Really, my postings are becoming more and more schizophrenic. Last month, I thought my true calling was music posts. Then my music inspiration went into the shitter...can't tell you why, it just did!

The weather here has turned cold AGAIN, very disappointing. But the cold temparture hasn't stopped the spread of a very insipid bug in my office. And this carrier spreads this bug to most people he comes in contact with...I'm talking Running Fever!

And no, this isn't just a fever that lasts a long time. I've caught the running bug from my coworker Mike P. His enthusiasm for the sport has given me the inspiration to try it myself. I'm running my first 5K in June, and I can't wait. I'm pretty much ready for it now, but with a couple of weeks off for vacation I'll be just about on course training-wise.

The majority of my training has been on the Dread Mill in our basement. That doesn't bug me so much, except on those run that I need to concentrate to pull the last few yards out. Then the basement walls do nothing to inspire me to go forward. At least if I'm running in my neighborhood, I can push myself by mailboxes. You know, I pep talk to myself that I can make it to the black mailbox; and when I get within 10 yards of that I push to the green one. It really does work. No mailboxes in the basement.

And I've also learned that my subdivision isn't named "Hi Hill" for nothing. I never used to wonder why I didn't see many runners in our area. Probably b/c no matter which route you take, you are facing a pretty intimidating slope fo' sure. But that just helps me prep better for a flat trail like Paint Creek in the spring. I can't wait to hit that trail. I just found a park-n-run area not too far from the house to hook onto the trail, so it won't be long now! :)

Well, that updates you for now. In the world of childless-ness, the ancidotal stories are few and far between...Happy Spring!


1 comment:

Animal said...

Yaaayyy! Welcome back, Kimbo.

I totally agree on the running "mileposts." Gotta make the next driveway...then the next one...then that tree...

It DOES make a difference.

"you are facing a pretty intimidating slope fo' sure."

I'm pretty sure the proper grammar there is "fo' shizzle."
