Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Unfortunately named Intelligent Design

I know I'm stepping into a pile of shit with this topic, but I gotta spout off...

Here in Michigan, we are having an election for our governor in November. The opponent, Dick Devos, came out last week in favor of teaching intelligent design in our public schools. I've got a few problems with this one:

1) Intelligent Design is not a theory, it is a Christian concept. Let's go over the definition of scientific theory, shall we? "a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena. ex:Einstein's theory of relativity." Scientific theory is based on propositions that can be tested and supported by physical, tangible evidence. Intelligent Design is not; it is based on a belief or faith. Therefore, according to our country's constitution, it should not be taught in our public school system in order to separate the boundaries between church and state.

2) Since intelligent design is conjecture, we would be teaching our children (of all religious backgrounds) a potentially false concept. I know, we also taught our children that Pluto was a planet for the last 90 years (but I also knew it wasn't a planet if you dig deep enough into the textbooks). I have heard the arguements for this theory out of the mouths of children I know; I fear that it would undercut Michigan Youth's chances of being taken seriously in the workplace and life in general, especially outside of our home state.

3) The separation of church and state is what stands us as a nation apart from religious dictatorships like Iran. I know that many people get tired of the "Political Correct Police" interferring in our public education system; making the Christmas Party the Holiday Party, but think about it. If we sanctioned one religion in this nation and allowed it to pervade our schools and government, then our system is no better than Iran. It is one of the fundamental principals that makes our nation great; that we have the freedom to choose our religion and how we worship without the threat of intimidation by the government. I am very proud that my country allows such personal freedom. That is one of the reasons so many people are clamoring to enter the US and live here (contrary to the belief that the world hates us so much).

Let's not take two steps back. Let's make this a non-issue and not allow this to happen...


Animal said...

Just a clarification: the oft-cited "separation of church and state" actually is worded thusly in the First Amendment of our Constitution:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

Basically, this means all U.S. citizens have freedom FROM religion: state-sponsored religion, in point of fact. For me, this more-powerful wording only bolsters Kim's assertions. If so-called "intelligent design" is taught to children, then it by default would be the establishment of a religion, and while I respect the right of people to believe what they want, I need MY rights treated with the same respect.

Darwin may not have had it completely right...but at least HIS "theory" was based on what he oberved. I can't observe god with anything but my heart...and that doesn't count when it comes to the term THEORY.

Kim said...

Thanks for the back-up, Animal...Love that Darwin, my favorite is Natural Selection...good shit!