Thursday, July 20, 2006

Ok, seriously...doesn't being elected as leader of the free world entitle you to some kind of etiquette lessons?!? Not that George Walker Bush hasn't embarrased us enough with his cute nicknames for anyone he meets; his "Mission accomplished" theater piece on the aircraft last year; the whole Iraq war.

I'm not talking about saying "shit" to Tony Blair during the G8 conference (actually, that made his stock rise a little in my book). I'm talking about the fact that he RUBBED ANGELA MERKEL'S SHOULDERS yesterday during a photo op. Now, for those of you that don't understand the significance of this, let me explain:

YOU DON'T TOUCH A GERMAN, EVER. Not unless they are your spouse, one of your parents, a sibling, or a child under the age of 15. They are not back-slapping, huggy, touchy-feely people. I'm pretty sure Ms. Merkel was mortified at the first touch of his short stubby fingers on the shoulder pad of her business jacket. Really, I'm surprised that her bodygoons didn't take him down right then and there. Now, there are some folks that say he wouldn't have done this if Ms. Merkel was a man. I disagree. George tries to make himself instantly familiar to everyone he meeets, and really looks for a touching opportunity whenever it presents itself.

Please, George, remember what we ALL learned in kindergarten: Keep your hands to yourself...

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