Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How Do I Quote Thee? Let me count the ways...

I've always wanted to be one of those people that could quote Shakespeare, or James Joyce, or passages from The Bell Jar. One of those smarty pants that could come up with the most appropriate quote from a high-brow source that just fit the occasion and made me look smart. Unfortunately, there are only really two sources of material that I dip in to for those quotations that cover life. The first is a wealth of quotes that apply in so many situations: The Simpsons.

My favorite Simpsons quote? It would be a toss up between Homer's "Alcohol. The cause and the solution to all of life's little problems" and Bart's "This both sucks and blows." The latter really applies at work.

But the source of the most quotes I can milk from? Why, The Princess Bride, of course!


"My name is Diego Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

"Anybody got a peanut?"

"He's MOSTly dead."

"Tis a pity to waste a perfect pair of breasts such as yours."

"Sleep well, my friend, and dream of large women."

"Never engage in a land war in Asia."

"Humperdink, Humperdink, Humperdink."

"ROUS. Rodents Of Unusual Size"

"To the Pain"

"Hi pretty lady!"

I really could go on (and on). So this is the highest quote level I can achieve. Fortunately, my friends appreciate such a level, and they come in handy at parties. Keep warm, and put your favorite all time quote in the comments y'all.



Anonymous said...

speaking of high brow...

"That rug really tied the room together." - The Dude from the Big Lebowski.

Animal said...

God, COG, we just finished watching "Princess Bride" tonight! Outstanding. Sorry my favorite quote is so long:

"Fun? FUN?!? Y'know Danny...I once banged two stewardesses on a 747 at 30,000 feet. THAT was fun! We had...a FUN TIME."

Mike said...

what we got here is a dead shark

Animal said...

Ahhhh! The best, Mike! I'm not sure which saved my life MORE that semester: you, or that movie...