Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Running Update

I am NOT turning this into a running blog...I am NOT turning this into a running blog...

Fell a bit short of my 4 miles Saturday, but made progress nonetheless. Went the first 2.5 miles w/o a break (Mike P knows this is big for me) and my total distance was 3.4 miles. Aunt Flow brought me down, I'm sure the females out there know what I mean. So overall, I was very happy with the day.

Missed the run yesterday, so I'm hitting 3 miles tomorrow and another 3.5 - 4 on Saturday. My 8K training dictates only 2 tomorrow and 3 on Saturday, but I'm bumping that shit up so that 5 miles is reachable by the end of August. I'm trying to convince a friend to run the 8K with me so I have a buddy, we'll see how good my powers of persuasion are.

That's all today...I'm out!


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