Thursday, February 01, 2007

I'm Baaaaaaacccckkkk

Not that anyone reads my drivel...but I've decided to dust off the keyboard again and start to post on a semi-regular basis. Congratulations to Animal on the thumb-size baby, can't wait to see him/her when the oven timer goes off!

Really, the state of the union is high on my mind. We're in Vietnam II; the unemployment rate in my state (MI) is over 7%; doom & gloom, doom & gloom. I'd really like to have a fast forward button to 2008 so we can reboot and start over.

Did anyone out there, I mean ANYONE, really believe we could enter this war and wash our hands of the country in a short amount of time? We're still in KOREA, for fuck's sake! And pulling out all of our soldiers at this point would be a disaster of epic proportions. Let's face it, folks...we dove into this 4 years ago, and we'll be swimming in that pool for many years to come. It doesn't matter the political posturing going on at this point, total pull out just ain't gonna happen.

So much for a war pulling the country out of recession. I'm not sure what rock some people are living under, but our economy is getting worse (and worse). At what point does any elected official stand up and do something about it? I was at first critical of the John Mayer song "Waiting for the World to Change" as an anthem for a lazy generation, but aren't we all helpless here? "It's hard to beat the system when we're standing at a distance"...that about sums it up.

Perhaps next post I'll be less cranky...let's hope not.


1 comment:

Animal said...

Hey, welcome back!